Evolve, and Leveling up

Evolve, and Levelling up your genesis ERC721

Upgrade your Genesis ERC721 with ERC404 to level up and evolve your ERC721 NFT. Owners can burn one ERC404 token to unlock an upgraded version of their NFT, enhancing its aesthetics, rarity, and utility within the Blastroid ecosystem. Gen 1 Blastroid ape will come with no element, which will need to be infused via $TESSERACT Upgraded apes will be infused with a the erc404 element you burned with, upgrading the traits. To reroll your desired, element you will need to buy the ERC404 that will mint a randomized element, and fuse another one. Example: Phase 1: A mints 1 ERC721 and receives the basic ape Blastroid. Phase 2: A mints 1 ERC404 and obtains fire element. Phase 3: A upgrades the ERC721 with ERC404 evolving the basic ape Blastroid into the flame ape Blastroid. The first ERC404 will be burned.

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